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Steps for Password Protected PDF


Select or Drag & drop your PDF into the Convert tool above.


Type and confirm the password you’d like to use.


Click "Protect pdf file" to add the password to your PDF.


Download your protected PDF when ready—done!

Keep PDFs Safe
Keep your files safe by using a password to protect them from unauthorized access.
Your data isn't stored
ConvertTools doesn't keep your passwords, and all files are deleted after one hour.
Safe Locks to Keep Things Safe
Some PDF passwords are not very secure and can be hacked easily. Our AES 128-bit encryption makes it nearly impossible for a regular computer to crack your password within thousands of years.
Protecting Your Info
Make your password strong for better file security. Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols, and avoid common words.


How do I choose a strong password?

  • For a strong password, make it longer and include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers.
    Symbols like ! or # can make it even stronger.
    Don't use personal info or common words that are easy to guess when you create passwords.

What is the difference between password protection and encryption?

  • Encryption is a stronger way to secure documents.
    It transforms the content into a secret code that looks like gibberish.
    To read this code and unlock the document, authorized users need a special key, which could be a password or a digital certificate.

Is the PDF Encryption Process Secure?

  • It's really trustworthy for encrypting your digital documents.
    We use TLS encryption for all online file transfers, and we delete your file from our servers after one hour.
    Visit our Privacy page to find out more.

Can You Decrypt Locked PDFs?

  • No, you can't unlock the PDF unless you know the original password. But if you do, you can use our online tool to remove the encryption.
    Then, you can choose a new password or get the decrypted file.
    Excited to share your manuscript?

Tips for Strong Passwords

  • If your password is too easy, even strong security can't fully protect you.
    Avoid simple choices like using your birthday.
    Instead, pick a unique word that's at least seven characters long and mixes in numbers, capital letters, and special symbols.
    A strong password makes it much tougher for someone to break into your accounts.


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